With the celebration of Global Wellness Day on June 9th, chances are you’ve seen hashtags for #wellness floating around social media feeds. Last year, we saw the rise of the #metoo movement and in recent weeks, the rise of #saynotoplastics. In the latter movements, each hashtag was linked to a social call – be it coming forth with tales of sexual harassment to raise awareness and solidarity for victims in public forums or taking on tasks as simple as sorting out the garbage for recycling. What would it look like to motivate people to take wellness beyond a hashtag?
We at Barressential believe wellness goes beyond the superficial and into the deeper holistic aspects of our lives. With a generation chronicling each moment of life with great pomp, we feel that collectively as a civilisation, we are on a race to rock bottom. Behaviour motivated by social media “likes” have turned love thy neighbor into compete with thy neighbor. Society’s celebration of one type of body: “thin” for women & “muscle” for men has resulted in a myriad of issues leading to low self-esteem, eating disorders, unhealthy fixations on body image and pressure to achieve an unattainable ideal. Characteristics that make us a “well” society are fast being discarded: honour, dignity, integrity & grace to name a few.

What does “wellness” truly look like? Is a person well if they exercise thrice a week but perpetuate domestic abuse? Is a person well if they fit into the social definition of “thin” but count the calories to the point of extreme deprivation? Is a person well if they use the best in beauty products but are socially isolated?
Our Company is founded on a three-pronged wellness offering: intelligent fitness, balanced nutrition and a healthy mind. We celebrate your body for all its amazing functions, regardless of its shape, at your first class as much as we do at the 100th. We pride ourselves in fostering a community spirit in our classes, workshops and retreats where women get to befriend one another, learn from and inspire each other. Beyond that, you can trust that at Barressential, you are known by name: a place where you are not just another client to walk through our doors but a place where your goals & needs are understood, and your achievements celebrated.

In our Barre & Pilates fitness classes, you find an intelligent exercise method that compels you to connect mind to body. Small movements and light weights are surprisingly deceptive as each major muscle group is worked to exhaustion with isometric and eccentric contractions. Your form and your health are our primary focus – we want you to leave our classes strengthened, relaxed and encouraged.
Our nutrition plans and individual coaching programs are based on scientifically sound principles that sustain behavioral changes (and common sense). We strive to promote self-care from the way we talk about our bodies to our relationship with food. Our clients receive a digital offering alongside personal service so that any interaction with us can be seamlessly integrated into their daily lives.
Our one- and two- day luxury retreats are carefully crafted in partnership with our fantastic hotel partners (Resplendent Ceylon [Cape Weligama, Ceylon Tea Trails & Wild Coast Tented Lodge], Santani Wellness Resort & Spa, Thotalagala Plantation House & Villa by Contemporary Ceylon to name a few) to ensure that clients walk away with an exceptional experience. We combine our fitness methods, specially curated meals, beautiful vistas and attentive service to give our clients time to get away from their daily lives for some much deserved (but otherwise rarely taken) “me-time”. Our next retreat to Santani Wellness Resort & Spa in Kandy on July 7-8th2018 promises to be a wonderful experience.

Underlying each of our propositions is a firm belief that wellness goes beyond the body. In an increasingly disconnected world fueled by superficial motivations, we create an oasis for our clients that allows them to connect, build relationships, unplug, relax & restore. We want the time you spend with us – be it an hour or a day – to contribute to your overall wellness and from there to overflow into bettering your relationships, your work and your health.
Interested in experiencing the Barressential difference? Visit www.barressential.com for further details or email us at hello@barressential.com